JDA in position 31 of the Expansión 2023 Ranking of the best law firms in Spain

The newspaper Expansión publishes this week its annual legal report on the situation of the different law firms and the ranking of the best legal services firms in all of Spain. At JDA we have participated in the Expansión ranking since 2018 and in this period the firm has gone from position number 41 to 31, climbing 10 positions in just five years thanks to our policy of expansion and market growth.

JDA is therefore consolidated among the top 35 professional firms in Spain, out of 160,000, and is among the top 10 based in Catalonia, by turnover and number of professionals working. In addition, JDA is established as a benchmark firm in Granollers and throughout the Vallés Oriental region as the most important legal firm in the area. The firm has offices in Barcelona, ​​Granollers, Madrid and Sabadell and has a staff of more than 120 highly specialized professions in the legal, tax, labor, consulting and data protection areas.


To read the Expansion’s publication click here



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